Friday, June 11, 2010

OK Everyone! Listen Up, cause I only gona say this once.

This week the newest group of Volunteers arrived. Making us not just the old group but the old old group. This makes the end of our service seem even closer. We have some BIG news, but I will get to that in a second. We have enjoyed our village and feel that it is a good site for a new volunteer to replace us. There have been some changes to when new volunteers arrive, as you will rember we arrived in Oct, so the new volunteers who are replacing a previous volunteer will come to their site in August. We have found out that we are going to be replaced (and now for the big news)we have the option of closing or service by then end of SEPTEMBER which means that WE WILL BE HOME IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!!!!!!!! We don't yet have all the details and dates but we wanted to tell everyone the good news. Kym is super over excited and can't wait to call and tell you herself. We are now in Tamale ready to watch the opening ceremonies of the World Cup on our way to Accra and then flying out to South Africa on the 19th.

We also took some video of Km's students doing some dancing!


Kathy said...

OH. MY. GOSH! I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED!!!!! You can watch me be a crazy person in labor again! HAH! J/K :)... we'll call when the baby gets here this time so you don't have to witness all of the fun!!! HOLY COW SO EXCITED!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YAYYYYY!!!!!!!! I'm so excited too!!! That is such great news :) :) :) this time, I won't be in the hospital and can actually do stuff with y'all!!!!!

and Kath....something tells me that we all won't mind watching you be a crazy person in labor - haha!!! :)

Unknown said...