Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A shout-out to 'Dra

This next blog entry is dedicated to Audra, our ridicously cute, hard-working little sis! Cameron posted a couple new pictures right below the "about us" section. Audra grills us about every picture...and what happened before, during and after the picture was taken....and we love it! So, in the first photo you see our friend Kimmie riding on top of the tro. On our way to our Volunteer Action Committee meeting, we were all riding inside the tro, but we feared for our lives because every bump we hit (which was one about every 5 feet) the roof was about to cave in (with all the cargo and people on top). So on the ride home, we decided not to test fate and rode on the roof (yes, we understand that riding on the roof isn't any smarter, but really, it was the scariest tro ride to date!) The next photo is where we went swimming....which was just AMAZING! The water was gross, but you have to look at the big picture in situations like this....we weren't sweating for about 20 minutes and that was worth the dip in the nasty water. In the village we visited they make the special dyed smocks that are a traditional outfit for the men in the north. Our friend Hannah and I got the hat Cameron calls "the Irish paper-boy hat" and Cameron and Ana got the more traditional Northern Ghanaian men's hat. What do y'all think about the beard.....I LOVE it!!! The next picture is me pounding Fufu (they peal the yam, boil it, then pound the heck out of it until it's a huge ball of Fufu). It's quite a workout!!! The next two pictures are men in the village dying the yarn and worknig at the loom. Then there's me, Cameron and our friend Catherine (we call her our baby sis because I couldn't understand why during training I keep hanging out with her until Cam said....."Kym, you know why you like Cat so much....cause she's exactly like 'Dra....and he's totally right!). The last photo is us having to cross the river by canoe to get to the village where all those photos were taken. So, that's all...we hope you enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!! I got an entire blog! This was PERFECT guys...plenty of details. Somehow, I still have questions. I'll leave those to phone calls! I love you both. Kym, you look great! I expected to see a flaming tomato (or whatever that expression/person is).

Shelley Graham said...

Good job asking for the details, Audra - we LOVE getting all the info we can! :)

Anonymous said...

WoW...you look good. Keep up the good work. I am very proud of you and miss you lots. Uncle Bobby.....

Debbie D said...

This is the adventure of a lifetime! We’re all so proud of you two and what you’re doing to help these grateful people. I know they appreciate what you do. Your stories make us value what we have in America!

No need to send home recipes for scorpion stew or leach pie. Just keep updating the blog so we know you are okay. Love you both and can’t wait to hear about your great adventure!!!! Take care of each other!!!!!

Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Audra - great job on asking for the details! :) You guys look great...the pictures of the school were my favorite part. And Kym...love the pic you pounding Fufu...what a workout, huh? Cam - fabulous beard!!! Love you both! :)